Tim Bair


“Ever Near is a truly remarkable tale that has left an indelible mark on my heart. Tim Bair’s poignant storytelling skillfully captures the essence of his and his wife’s life together.”

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“A Breath of fresh air! Not only was Tim Bair’s book captavating, but also beyond unique. Tim’s heart wrenching story is nothing short of spectacular and he takes you to the thick of it.”

About This Website

For anyone unfamiliar with my story, my wife Mari Lynn passed away a little over five years ago. Our connection is close enough that we continue to spend every moment of every day together. We have ongoing conversations about anything and everything. Several times a week after a moment of meditation I’ll feel like she has something specific to say. So, I’ll take out a pen and a blank piece of paper and just write the next word or sentence that comes to mind. I never have any idea what she may have to say. Sometimes it’s very personal. Occasionally it feels like she really wants me to share. She’s told me that this works so well for us because we’ve focused on this process for many lifetimes. I’ve read quite a bit on the afterlife and afterlife communication but this in no way makes me an expert. I only have my own experience to draw from. I get that this may seem a little fantastical. You can believe or not. Either is ok with me.

Tim’s Blog

The Latest News & Updates

The Story of Bear

The Story of Bear

(The Echo of those who came before) As I begin this story, I think it’s important to share some background so you, the reader can get an idea of how normal my discussion (several months after she passed) was with Mari Lynn.  Several months after Mari Lynn and I were...

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After Mari Lynn passed, my daughters (and granddaughters) were genuinely concerned. I didn’t seem to be experiencing the profound grief they were expecting, and they thought I was not properly processing the feelings of loss I must have. I thought I could illustrate...

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My Dearest Love

My Dearest Love

December 29, 2022, 627am My Dearest Love, Well, we did it! I know you are concerned that somehow, we have not accomplished what we set out to do. But that is an incomplete and narrow view of what it is we are doing. Right now you are having difficulty believing that...

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Ever Near illuminates the remarkable bond between the author and his wife, Mari Lynn. The narrative takes an emotional turn as the couple faces the unrelenting challenge of Mari Lynn’s illness. Their unwavering determination to fight against all odds is truly inspiring.

The story continues to tug at the heartstrings, as his wife’s passing becomes an inevitable reality. The author’s tender portrayal of grief and loss is both poignant and deeply moving. He takes us on a journey of mourning and healing, allowing us to experience the raw emotions that accompany such a profound loss.

Despite the pain, the author’s unwavering love for his wife remains steadfast, serving as an enduring testament to the power of their connection. In the aftermath of Mari Lynn’s passing, Tim’s story takes an unexpected turn. He shares how their love continues to guide him in his life’s journey. The profound impact of their love is felt long after her physical presence has departed. It is a beautiful reminder that love transcends time and space, never truly ending.

Ever Near has attained bestseller status on Amazon. 

#1 in New Age Channeling (Kindle Store)

#1 in New Age Mental & Spiritual Healing

#1 in Death, Grief & Spirituality

“These letters from the Flipside are a testament to a great love story, and the fact that Tim has put them into book form will allow others to be healed and helped by them.” 

Richard Martini, Feature film writer/director and Best-selling author of “Flipside”, “Hacking the Afterlife”,  “Divine Councils in the Afterlife”, “Greatest Story Never Told”

richmartini.blogspot.com, Moderator, “Hacking the Afterlife” Podcast with Jennifer Shaffer “Hacking the Afterlife” forum.

Poem #1

Ever Near

As I sit alone, so far away

I can’t seem to find the words

Those feelings strong at last are here

So long have been unstirred


The love I’ve found is life and breath

And all the world to me

No more in pain, I feel no shame

You’re all that I can see


It’s not always the one they see

That makes the man a man

Your love for me comes through the air

And lets me know I can 


Do all those things I want to do

To fill your heart’s desire

In truth, you are my all in all

Your love’s my life, my fire


You’ve shown me now to live my life

The way I should have done

And when I tell the world of you

They’ll know you were the one


Who gave me strength and held me close

When life seemed to slip away

I feel you with me ever near

Though now so far away